My Mystery Experiences Talking about the mystery, in fact this is the first time I experienced a mystery event. I do believe that "they" are around us, but for me as long as "they" don't show their true form doesn't matter. So let's enjoy my story..... Around 3 o'clock in the morning I wanted to go to the kitchen to make milk, at that time my family and I just arrived from Jogjakarta. My uncle's house is very spacious, the kitchen and guest rooms are separate. My father and my family were out in the courtyard, so I went to the kitchen by myself. I feel normal because in that house I have never experienced anything strange. So, to the left of the kitchen there is a large empty courtyard and on the right there is a warehouse directly with a car park. At first I was normal, but I felt nothing but felt uneasy on the right. I saw a tool to clean the floor but the shape was strange, so I approached in that direction out of cu...